Academic Catalog

Arts/Studio (AR)

AR 203  Introduction to Drawing  
4 Class Hours, 4 Quarter Credit Hours
This course introduces students to key concepts and techniques integral to developing basic drawing skills. Class time will be spent discussing, demonstrating and practicing these skills in order to produce a comprehensive body of work specific to the course objectives. Course performance will be evaluated on effort and growth as opposed to artistic talent.
AR 206  3D Sculpture: An Adventure in the Third Dimension  
4 Class Hours, 4 Quarter Credit Hours
This course will teach students to think, see and function in 3-dimensional space. They will explore the differences and similarities between 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional representation in composition and design. Students will use a broad range of materials to create sculptures that will help them explore different aspects of 3-dimensional functioning. Class time will be spent in a combination of sculpture design and a discussion of slides of work reflecting the history of three-dimensional works of art from Greek times to the present. No prior experience with art courses is required.
AR 207  Introduction to Applied Music  
4 Class Hours, 4 Quarter Credit Hours
This course will afford students the opportunity to experience a "hands-on" approach to piano keyboard and composition. Each section of the course will focus on one musical concept through listening, playing and, finally, application. Because of the computer-assisted nature of the program, all levels of musical and keyboard comprehension can be accommodated, and the course can be geared to the individual interests and needs of each student in the class.
AR 209  The Art of Collage  
4 Class Hours, 4 Quarter Credit Hours
Powerful imagery is a combination of technical skill and imagination. Students will exercise their ability to manipulate composition and color as well as cultivate the power of imagination in this studio class with a focus on collage, a technique where compositions are crafted by adhering various materials to a backing surface. Creativity and the development of ideas will be explored while acquiring a working knowledge of the elements and principles of art. The assemblage process of collage will be the design tool used to investigate, generate and express ideas. Students will research collage as an art form and examine the creative processes of various artistic disciplines. No prior experience is necessary. Students will be evaluated on their effort and creative growth as opposed to artistic talent.
AR 312  The Art of Hands-On Animation  
4 Class Hours, 4 Quarter Credit Hours
In this course, students will practice design techniques to create animated short projects. This course will use traditional hands-on methods allowing students without prior software knowledge to explore a style of animation used in both commercial and artistic projects. Drawing, painting, paper cut-out and clay are some of the materials that students will use to gain expertise in creating these animated shorts. After learning about the math of animation, timing and motion control for smooth animation, and the development of story structure, students will develop a series of animated story ideas.