English (EN)
EN 030 Basic Writing Skills
4 Class Hours, 4 Quarter Credit Hours
This course is for students who need to develop their writing skills before enrolling in EN 100. The focus is on writing short essays that include a main point and supporting evidence. Students learn the organization of the five-paragraph essay, review grammar, and gain skills in editing and revising their work. Placement in this course is based on the results of students' writing assessments. (Does not count toward degree requirements.)
EN 100 Introduction to College Writing
4 Class Hours, 4 Quarter Credit Hours
Prerequisites: EN 030
EN 100 is an introductory writing course designed to immerse students in the writing process and sharpen their critical thinking skills. In this course, students will practice using writing as a tool for learning by responding to readings, composing essays, and reflecting on the writing process itself. Through drafting, revising, and writing to learn, students will strengthen their ability to interpret, analyze, and evaluate the ideas presented in the course readings, lectures, and discussions. Conducting, evaluating, and integrating research (through summarization, quotations, and paraphrasing) is a major component of this course. Additionally, students will be introduced to APA citation style, and will improve essential writing skills such as grammar, punctuation, and standard usage.
EN 106 Service Industry Communications
5 Class Hours, 5 Quarter Credit Hours
Prerequisites: EN 030
In today’s competitive service industry, technicians must possess a mastery of both technical and nontechnical skills. EN 106 will introduce and equip students with the nontechnical or “soft skills” needed to succeed and advance in their fields. Topics will include written and verbal communication, professionalism, team collaboration, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Because learning to write and communicate effectively requires practice, the course provides numerous opportunities; including writing workshops, role play, and group activities, for students to apply the fundamentals of written and oral communication.
EN 110 Health Science Communications
4 Class Hours, 4 Quarter Credit Hours
Prerequisites: EN 100
EN 110 builds off the foundation established in EN 100 and focuses on the necessity of clear written and oral communication in the health sciences. Through role play, small group work, and presentations students will develop the communication and critical thinking skills they will need daily when
communicating with other healthcare providers, clients, and their families. Additionally, by continuing in the writing process (researching, drafting, and revising) students will further their ability to write clear, concise, error-free prose with attention given to audience and message.
EN 200 Workplace Communications
4 Class Hours, 4 Quarter Credit Hours
EN 200 builds off the foundation established in EN 100, and focuses on the necessity of clear written and oral communication in professional settings. Students will be exposed to a variety of business writing genres including memos, emails, business letters, and proposals. By continuing their engagement in the writing process (researching, drafting, and revising), students will compose several professional documents, reinforcing students’ attention to audience and their aptitude to develop an effective workplace document. Additionally, this course strengthens students’ ability to document in APA citation style, and hone essential writing skills such as grammar, punctuation, and standard usage.
EN 211 Oral Communications
4 Class Hours, 4 Quarter Credit Hours
This is an introductory course with an emphasis on oral communication theory and practice, providing a basic understanding of the significance of oral communication as well as instruction and practice in the basic skills of public speaking. The course is intended to help students develop skills in speaking, organizing thoughts, and critical analysis. Major emphasis is placed on the preparation and presentation of formal speeches.
EN 322 Argumentative Research Writing
4 Class Hours, 4 Quarter Credit Hours
Prerequisites: EN 100
In this course, students engage in critical thinking, credible research, and persuasive writing. Beginning with the idea that academic and professional arguments result in a collegial exchange of ideas to pursue knowledge, this course prompts students to examine various viewpoints of a debate. The central goal for students is to produce an argument essay based on meaningful dialogue and thoughtful reflection. Students are introduced to different models of argument, persuasive appeals, logical reasoning, and visual rhetoric. The course breaks the writing process down into a series of comprehensible habits of mind and investigative skills: inquiry, active reading, critical analysis, research, communication, and documentation of sources.
EN 331 Research Writing in the Social Sciences
4 Class Hours, 4 Quarter Credit Hours
Prerequisites: EN 100 or EN 102
“Research Writing,” introduces students to the process of discovery through scholarly writing and research. Beginning with the idea that academic writing is a conversation, a collegial exchange of ideas to pursue new knowledge, this course breaks the process down into a series of comprehensible habits of mind and investigative skills: inquiry, active reading, critical analysis, argumentation, research, and communication. In this course, students don’t merely write a term paper; they join an ongoing conversation about ideas in a spirit of collaboration. Valuing complexity and creativity, they transform information by adapting it and creating something new.
EN 421 Technical Communications
4 Class Hours, 4 Quarter Credit Hours
EN 421 is an advanced writing course designed to help students achieve mastery in presenting complex content. This course encompasses writing for a broad range of technical and general audiences in virtually all media. Students will reinforce their ability to analyze audience, purpose, and content. Additionally, students will learn how to plan and organize content to meet goals, use graphics effectively, and deliver an oral presentation.
EN 422 Advanced Writing in the Health Sciences
4 Class Hours, 4 Quarter Credit Hours
EN 422 is an advanced writing course focusing on written communication common in the health science professions. To better prepare students for the challenges of successful professional communication, Writing in the Health Sciences targets the three main audiences of the health provider: other professionals, patients and clients, and the public. For each of these audiences, students will master writing techniques and practices to ensure that their message is being understood and that their professional voices are being heard at all levels of the healthcare organization.