Academic Catalog

Surgical Technology (AS)

Associate in Science Degree

NEIT Program Image - Surgical Technology

The Associate in Science Degree in Surgical Technology prepares practitioners specifically for the operating room scrub role. During operative procedures, the surgical technologist functions as an integral part of the surgical team and works in cooperation with the surgeon, anesthesiologist, and registered nurse performing duties that are vital for the safety and care of surgical patients. Responsibilities include preparation of sterile operative equipment and supplies, instrumentation during operative procedures, and other intra-operative patient care activities. Common duties include operating sterilizers, lights, suction machines, electrosurgical units and laparoscopic equipment as well as preparing the patient’s surgical site.

In the Surgical Technology curriculum, theory and practice are integrated through the use of laboratory experiences in a completely equipped, on-campus simulated operating room and in actual operating rooms. Comprehensive background in anatomy and physiology is studied along with the proper medical terminology of the systems. An appreciation of the person having surgery, knowledge of common conditions requiring surgery and the surgical procedure as well as skills of patient care are included in surgical procedures classes. Ethical and legal dimensions of the work and profession of the Surgical Technologist are part of the program. Supervised clinical practice in surgical environments prepares students realistically.

Graduates are prepared for entry-level positions in such areas as hospital operating room departments, obstetrical departments, surgical supply/processing departments, outpatient surgical centers, and surgeon office practices. In addition, graduates of this program are eligible to continue on for a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Management with a Healthcare Management/Respiratory Care (MGTH) concentration.

Accreditation Status

The New England Institute of Technology Associate in Science in Surgical Technology program of study is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs ( upon the recommendation of the Accrediting Review Council on Education in Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting.

CAAHEP Accreditation

Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP)
9355 113th St N #7709
Seminole, FL 33775
Telephone (727) 210-2350

All surgical technology students must take The National Board of Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting (NBSTSA) Certified Surgical Technologist examination before graduation. As reported in the 2024 Annual Report, during the timeframe of 8/1/2022 - 7/31/2023 the pass rate for first-time candidates of the ST program was 100%.

In accordance with the 2019 Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act, New England Institute of Technology hereby discloses only that the curriculum for this program meets the educational requirements for licensure as Surgical Technologists in the State of Rhode Island. The applicable licensing board in Rhode Island may impose additional requirements on candidates prior to granting a license, we encourage you to investigate those requirements. NEIT has not determined whether the curriculum for this program meets the educational requirements for licensure in any other states or territories and we encourage you to investigate the requirements in your state or territory prior to accepting an offer of admission at NEIT.

Plan of Study Grid
Term IQuarter Credit Hours
ST 101 Introduction to Surgical Technology 3
MGM 103 Computer Skills – Word and PowerPoint 1
BIO 100 Anatomy & Physiology I (MA/SCI Core) 1 4
BIO 101 Anatomy and Physiology I Lab (MA/SCI Core) 1 2
AHS 102 Introduction to Allied Health (MA/SCI Core) 1 2
EN 100 Introduction to College Writing (COM Core) 1 4
 Quarter Credit Hours16
Term II
ST 120 Surgical Instrumentation 2
BIO 122 Microbiology and Lab 4
BIO 120 Anatomy & Physiology II (MA/SCI Core) 1 4
BIO 121 Anatomy and Physiology II Lab (MA/SCI Core) 1 2
MA 109 Math for Life Science (MA/SCI Core) 1 4
 Quarter Credit Hours16
Term III
ST 130 Surgical Procedures I 4
ST 131 Surgical Procedures I Lab 3
BIO 130 Pharmacology 3
BIO 131 Pathophysiology 2
EN 110 Health Science Communications (COM Core) 1 4
 Quarter Credit Hours16
Mandatory Intersession
SS 271 Introduction to Psychology 4
Elective100-200 Level Humanities (or Arts/Foreign Language) Core 1 4
 Quarter Credit Hours8
Term IV
ST 200 Surgical Procedures II 4
ST 201 Surgical Procedures II Lab (5 weeks) 3
ST 203 Professional Communication Skills (5 weeks) 1
ST 204 Operating Room Laboratory I (5 weeks) 2 4
AHS 201 Introduction to Medical Ethics and Bioethics 3
Elective100-200 Level Humanities (or Arts/Foreign Language) Core 1 4
 Quarter Credit Hours19
Term V
ST 205 Advanced Topics in Surgical Technology 1
ST 220 Surgical Procedures III 4
ST 222 Operating Room Laboratory II 2 8
ST 223 Surgical Seminar I 1
 Quarter Credit Hours14
Term VI
ST 230 Operating Room Laboratory III (5 weeks) 2 4
ST 232 Advanced Applications of Surgical Technology 6
ST 233 Surgical Seminar II (5 weeks) 2
 Quarter Credit Hours12
 Total Quarter Credit Hours101

Liberal Arts Core.


3 clinical lab hours = 1 Quarter Hour Credit or Practicum Hours reflect 60-minute clock hours.

Optional Courses

To be taken at Department Chair’s Discretion

The credits for ST 98 Advanced Clinical Review/ST 99 Clinical Review do not count for degree requirements.

Course Title Quarter Credit Hours
ST 99Clinical Review3
ST 98Advanced Clinical Review3


C = Number of lecture hours per week
L = Number of laboratory hours per week
T = Total Quarter Credit Hours where each lecture hour per week is one credit, every 2-4 laboratory hours are one credit depending on the expected amount of pre- or post-lab work.

All Associate Degree students are required to take 32 credits of liberal arts and math/science courses as selected from the liberal arts core. See the course descriptions section of this catalog for a list of the core area courses. Students who place out of MA 109 Math for Life Science must still take 32 credits of core courses.

Please Note: For all terms, a grade of C+ or better must be attained in BIO and ST courses, and a C or better in AHS 102 Introduction to Allied Health, in order to advance to the next term. A cumulative grade point average of at least 2.33 in all courses must be maintained throughout the program.

Students are required to complete all of the 1st academic year courses, including liberal arts courses, to progress to the 2nd academic year when actual hospital-based operating room experience begins.

Subject to change.

Program Mission

To provide entry level professional skills in the art and science of surgical technology, emphasizing a background for professional growth and development, exposure to various surgical specialties and organization of departments in relation to the total complex of a health care facility. The surgical technologist works under medical supervision to ensure the procedure is conducted under conditions that maximize patient safety by maintaining aseptic technique, proper functioning of equipment and a safe environment. The Surgical Technologist is a respected and integral part of the team of medical practitioners providing surgical care to patients in a variety of settings.

Program Outcomes

  • Successful completion of all preoperative competencies.
  • Successful completion of all intra-operative competencies.
  • Successful completion of all post-operative competencies.
  • Successful completion of all professional skills competencies.

Click here for a detailed list of program outcomes.
Surgical Rotation Case Requirements.

Program Goals Learning Domains Evidence of Meeting Goals
1. To prepare competent entry-level surgical technologists in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains Cognitive, Psychomotor, Affective Meeting the 70% benchmark for passing the certification exam. Meeting the satisfaction benchmark of 85% for both the employer and graduate surveys.
2. To demonstrate advanced knowledge of the principles of asepsis as applied to the practices of sterile technique as well as provide a safe, efficient, and supportive environment for the peri-operative patient. Cognitive, Psychomotor, Affective Students have met the minimum requirements of a C+ or better in their performance of their Practicums and evaluations.
3. To provide a variety of surgical specialty experiences in the spirit of cooperative education. Psychomotor Meeting the required clinical case requirements by the end of Term VI.
4. To provide each student with a continuous, ongoing education with a consistent classroom and clinical experience. Cognitive, Psychomotor, Affective Curriculum Mapping Documentation.
5. To apply knowledge from other fields to help each student address the needs of the patient. Cognitive, Affective Students participate in Interprofessional Educational activities.
6. To stress the importance of the educational process on a continuum. Affective Meeting the retention benchmark of 60%.
7. To encourage volunteerism as well as participation and activity in local, regional, and national organizations with a philosophy that elevates and reinforces the standards of the profession. Cognitive Students are encouraged to become members of: ST Student Club; Become members of AST; NE Organ Bank; Promote AST state assemblies in state of residence; Promote Scholarship opportunities; Participate in In-services at clinical site; To continuously evaluate the program to maintain the highest degree of quality.
To continuously evaluate the program to maintain the highest degree of quality Cognitive Effectiveness plan; Faculty/staff meetings; The NEIT ST curriculum is in line with the AST 7th edition Core curriculum; Adhering to the CAAHEP Standards and Guidelines

Questions and Answers

1. When do my classes meet?
Day Classes: Technical classes normally meet for at least three hours a day for up to five days a week. Classes normally begin in the early morning (7:45 a.m.), late morning (usually 11:25 a.m.), or mid-afternoon. The time slot for your program may vary from term to term.

In addition, to achieve your associate’s degree, you will take a total of approximately eight liberal arts courses, which will be scheduled around your technical schedule over the course of your entire program. Each liberal arts course meets approximately four hours per week. Liberal arts courses are offered days, evenings, and Saturdays.

At the beginning of each term you will receive a detailed schedule giving the exact time and location of all your classes. The university requires that all students be prepared to take classes and receive services at any of NEIT’s locations where the appropriate classes and services are offered.

When a regularly scheduled class falls on a day which is an NEIT observed holiday (Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, and Memorial Day), an alternate class will be scheduled as a make up for that class. The make up class may fall on a Friday. It is the student’s responsibility to take note of when and where classes are offered.

2. How large will my classes be?
The average size for a class is about 20 to 25 students; however, larger and smaller classes occur from time to time.

3. How much time will I spend in lab?
Almost half of your technical courses consist of laboratory work. In order for you to get the most out of your laboratory experiences, you will first receive a thorough explanation of the theory behind your lab work.

4. Where do my classes meet?
Students should be prepared to attend classes at any of NEIT’s classroom facilities: either at the Post Road, Access Road, or East Greenwich campus.

5. I have not earned my high school diploma or GED: can I enroll in an Associate’s Degree Program?
A candidate for admission to an associate degree program must have a high school diploma, have earned a recognized equivalency diploma (GED), or meet the federal home school requirements.

6. How long should it take me to complete my program?
To complete your degree requirements in the shortest possible time, you should take the courses outlined in the prescribed curriculum. For a typical six-term curriculum, a student may complete the requirements in as little as 18 months.

To complete all your degree requirements in the shortest time, you should take at least one liberal arts course each term.

Students may also elect to complete some of their liberal arts requirements during Intersession (except for EN courses), a five-week term scheduled between Spring and Summer Terms. Students will not be assessed any additional tuition for liberal arts courses taken during the Intersession but may be assessed applicable fees.

Students wishing to extend the number of terms to complete the required technical courses in their curriculum will be assessed additional tuition and fees.

It is in the best interest of students to adhere to the prescribed curriculum without interruption. Students who are not enrolled during one or more terms of their program may find that there is a wait list in place for their program at the time they want to return to NEIT. Students should check with their Student Advisor for further details about wait list procedures.

7. Is NEIT accredited?
NEIT is accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education. Accreditation by NECHE is recognized by the federal government and entitles NEIT to participate in federal financial aid programs. Some academic departments have specialized professional accreditations in addition to accreditation by NECHE. For more information on accreditation, see NEIT’s catalog.

8. Can I transfer the credits that I earn at NEIT to another college?
The transferability of a course is always up to the institution to which the student is transferring. Students interested in the transferability of their credits should contact the Office of Teaching and Learning for further information.

9. Can I transfer credits earned at another college to NEIT?
Transfer credit for appropriate courses taken at an accredited institution will be considered for admission based on the following table and upon receipt of an official transcript:

Courses Age of Courses Grades Needed to Transfer
EN 100 Introduction to College Writing B- or above
EN 200 Workplace Communications (or EN 110 Health Science Communications) B- or above
MA 109 Math for Life Sciences B- or above
English/Communications Liberal Arts Courses 10 years old C or above
Math Course 3 years old C or above
Biology Course 3 years old C+ or above
Science Course 3 years old C+ or above
Major Courses 3 years old C+ or above

* For evaluation of previously earned surgical technology credits, an official transcript from the institution(s) and copies of relevant course syllabi and course descriptions must be received. Course syllabi and descriptions are evaluated to determine whether surgical technology course content is similar in content, rigor and credit hours to those in the NEIT curriculum.

The Office of Teaching and Learning maintains the prerogative to waive these requirements based upon individual review.

An official transcript from the other institution must be received before the end of the first week of the term for transfer credit to be granted for courses to be taken during that term. Students will receive a tuition reduction for the approved major courses based on the program rate and will be applied against the final major term of the curriculum's tuition amount. No tuition credit is provided for courses which are not a part of the major curriculum. If the student has a degree from another institution, every opportunity will be reviewed to give the student as many transfer credits as possible for liberal arts courses (math, science, English, humanities, and social sciences) regardless of the age of the degree. Courses in the major will be reviewed individually for relevancy.

10. What is the "Feinstein Enriching America" Program?
New England Institute of Technology is the proud recipient of a grant from the Feinstein Foundation. To satisfy the terms of the grant, the College has developed a one-credit community enrichment course which includes hands-on community enrichment projects. The course can be taken for a few hours per term, spread over several terms. Students who are already engaged in community enrichment on their own may be able to count that service towards course credit.

11. How many credits do I need to acquire my Financial Aid?
In order to be eligible for the maximum financial aid award, you need to maintain at least 12 credits per academic term.

12. What kind of employment assistance does NEIT offer?
The Career Services Office assists NEIT students and graduates in in all aspects of the job search, including resume writing, interviewing skills, and developing a job search strategy. Upon completion of their program, graduates may submit a resume to the Career Services Office to be circulated to employers for employment opportunities in their fields. Employers regularly contact us about our graduates. In addition, our Career Services Office contacts employers to develop job leads. A strong relationship with employers exists as a result of our training students to meet the needs of industry for over fifty years. No institution can, and NEIT does not, guarantee to its graduates employment or a specific starting salary.

13. Where will job opportunities exist?
Graduates have obtained employment in the local area. However, one of the most exciting aspects of this program is the ability to look nationally for employment opportunities.

14. Will this program prepare me for a national certification exam?
Yes. The National Board of Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting (NBSTSA) offers a national certification exam. You must complete the entire course of Surgical Technology study including clinical before you become eligible to sit for this exam. All students must take the certification exam. The Surgical Technology program will assist you in making arrangements for the certification exam.

15. Does this program have a dress code?
Yes. Students are required to wear teal green scrubs just like in a "real" surgical setting as well as a white lab coat. You will be provided with the name of the uniform store during your meeting with the admissions officer and the procedure to obtain them. Uniforms are required for all ST lab courses as well as for clinical.. Students must wear their uniform for their first class of ST 101. Students are not permitted to have long nails, artificial nails, nail polish, facial and tongue piercings.

16. What is a Surgical Technologist?
A Surgical Technologist is an integral member of the surgical team who works closely with surgeons, anesthesiologists, registered nurses, and other surgical personnel delivering patient care and assuming appropriate responsibilities before, during, and after surgery.

17. Who employs Surgical Technologists?
A majority of surgical technologists work in hospitals, principally in operating rooms, and occasionally in emergency rooms and other settings that call for knowledge of ability in maintaining asepsis. There are other options for a Surgical Technologist, such as outpatient surgicenters, private employment by physicians or other self-employed technologists. As with many specialized professions, there may be more career opportunities for those who are willing to relocate.

18. What types of tasks are done by a Surgical Technologist?
You may be involved in many of the following tasks:


• Prepare the OR by selecting and opening sterile supplies.
• Assembling, adjusting, checking, and maintaining non-sterile equipment to ensure that it remains in proper working order.
• Assist in preparing patients for surgery by providing physical and emotional support, checking charts, and observing vital signs.
• Properly positioning the patient on the OR table.
• Assist in connecting and applying surgical equipment and/or monitoring devices and prepare the incision site by cleaning, shaving, and disinfecting the skin with an antiseptic solution.
• Assist the physician with gowning and gloving as well as the application of sterile drapes that isolate the operative site.


• Common duties during surgery include operating sterilizers, lights, suction machines, electrosurgical units, and diagnostic equipment.
• Hold retractors or instruments, sponge or suction the operative site, or cut suture materials as directed by the surgeon.
• Sterile member of the surgical team who passes instruments, sutures and sponges, needles and instruments before, during, and after surgery.
• Anticipate the instrumentation needs of the surgeon.
• Participate jointly in counting sponges, needles and instruments before, during, and after surgery.
• Connect drains and tubing and receive and prepare specimens for subsequent pathologic analysis.


• Responsible for preparing and applying sterile dressings following the procedure.
• Assist in the application of non-sterile dressings, including plaster or synthetic casting materials.
• Help transfer patients to the recovery room.
• Clean and stock the operating room for the next operation(s).

19. Will I actually have the opportunity to practice these skills in a real surgical situation while still in school?
Yes. The laboratory practicum during the second academic year requires students to actually go to a hospital operating room and experience first-hand the duties which you will some day practice on your own. NEIT's own surgical suite will serve as the site of your on-campus operating room practice during your first academic year. Operating room laboratories may take place in delivery rooms, hospitals, surgicenters, central supply departments, endoscopy departments, and freestanding operating suites.

Students are required to scrub in a minimum of 120 cases in the first and second scrub role as stipulated by the Association of Surgical Technologists (AST) Core Curriculum for Surgical Technology, 7th edition. Students will scrub in general and a variety of surgical specialty procedures.

20. How much time will I spend in the OR while still in school, and how will that course work?
Actual hospital OR experience begins in the 4th term at the start of the second academic year. You will be assigned to 1-3 clinical sites where you will build on your acquired skills during 540 contact hours of clinical experience. The ST Clinical Director will assign each student to their clinical placement sites. The university cannot guarantee that placement for internships will be in or near the student's hometown. Students may be required to commute up to an hour from their home. The university does not provide transportation to internship sites. The university does not reimburse students for traveling expenses (parking, mileage, etc.).

21. If I should experience a disruption in my continuity between my clinical experiences and/or my ST Lab courses, is there a laboratory skill refresher course(s) that might be available to me?
ST 98 and/or ST 99 are mandatory courses for students who have had a disruption of continuity in clinical and/or ST Lab courses. They are designed to strengthen and reinforce the lab competency skills necessary to progress into the next term or for entry into clinical placement. The reviews are pass/fail, noncredit clinical preparatory courses. Students mast pass these courses in order to progress into the next term or into clinical. Students who enroll in these courses must have the Department Chairperson’s approval.

22. Where do you go for the Surgical Tech Lab Practicum which requires time in an actual OR? Will that site be provided for me or must I find a site on my own?
NEIT is affiliated with many hospitals in the tri-state area of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. You will be assigned to 1 - 3 sites to complete your experience. It is important to note that hospital practicums will be scheduled for early AM hours (7:00 a.m.) when most surgery is scheduled. The clinical experience is only offered Tuesday through Thursday from 6:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. No weekend, late afternoon, or evening clinical time is available. Clinical is three full days.

23. What are the requirements for admission into the Surgical Technology program?
All students will complete the Accuplacer Assessment after they enroll with admissions. After completing the Accuplacer Assessment, students will consult with an advisor. If assessment scores meet the criteria on the first attempt for the Surgical Technology program, students will be enrolled directly into the Surgical Technology program. To prepare for the Accuplacer test, it is recommended that students take the Accuplacer Practice Test. The practice test can be found at this website: If students do not meet the admission requirements, they can enroll into the Health Science program. If the students meet the requirements after the first two terms of the Health Science curriculum, the student can transfer into the ST program.

If the ST program has a waitlist, the Admissions Department will keep you informed regarding your waitlist status.

24. Do I need to maintain a certain grade point average?
Yes, the following academic policies apply for all students in the Surgical Technology program.

Department of Surgical Technology Policies

  1. Every student enrolled in the Associate in Science Degree in Surgical Technology (ST) is required to obtain a minimum grade of C+ (77%) for every ST and Biology (BIO) course, and a C (73%) in AHS 102.
  2. A student who receives less than a C+ (77%) in a ST or BIO course cannot advance to the next term.
  3. Students who need to repeat a ST course may be admitted in the next term when the course is offered and space is available.
  4. A student must maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.33 throughout the program. Inability to meet the 2.33 GPA will lead to dismissal.
  5. Students who fail to achieve the above stated grades must meet with the ST Department Chair or the Student Advisor for the ST program to discuss modifications to their class schedule. Failing to achieve a required grade may delay a student’s graduation date. Failure to progress may also have financial implications. Each student is responsible for meeting with Student Accounts and Financial Aid personnel to discuss his or her individual situation.
  6. Surgical Technology students are allowed only one withdrawal from a ST or BIO course during their program of study. Students will be allowed to repeat one ST and one BIO course and must earn a grade C+ (77%) or better to remain in the program.
  7. A student may repeat only one failed (less than C+) ST course over the course of the program. A student who earns less than a C+ in the repeated course or any other ST course will be dismissed from the program.
  8. A student may repeat only one failed (less than 77%) BIO course over the course of the program. A student who earns less than a C+ in the repeated course or any other BIO course will be dismissed from the program.
  9. A student who does not earn at least a C+ (77%) in two ST courses, or at least a C+ (77%) in two BIO courses, or one of each, will be dismissed from the program.

25. Are there any additional costs/activities associated with this program?
Besides uniforms and textbooks, a complete physical exam, immunizations, blood work, and other testing at your own expense is required prior to internship experiences in outside facilities. Personal negligence and malpractice insurance is also required by affiliating facilities where internships are scheduled. A course in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is required some time during the 2nd and 3rd technical terms through the American Heart Association (CPR-C, Healthcare Provider Course). A 3-injection series of immunizations for protection against Hepatitis B is mandatory. Students must also receive positive titer. There are mandatory Blood Borne Pathogen training modules that a student must take prior to entering the clinical rotation. Please note that some clinical facilities may require drug testing and this will be at the student’s expense. Clinical facilities have the right to deny a clinical placement due to the results of the drug test.

The following items, at the student’s expense, are required for this program:

  1. A complete physical examination, immunizations, blood work, and other testing prior to internship experiences in outside facilities.
  2. Personal negligence and malpractice insurance required by affiliating facilities where internships are scheduled.
  3. A course in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), offered through the American Heart Association (CPR-C, Healthcare Provider Course), sometime during the 2nd and 3rd technical terms.
  4. A criminal background check.
  5. The NBSTSA national Certification Technologist exam is required for each student.
  6. A mandatory 3-injection series of immunizations for protection against Hepatitis B, and receipt of a positive titer.
  7. Mandatory training modules on Blood Borne Pathogens prior to entering the clinical rotation.

26. Must I attend classes during the summer 6-week intersession?
Yes. Surgical Technology students without transfer credits from another college will need to complete a Humanities/Social Science elective during Summer intersession. Both of these courses are required prior to entering term 4.

Terms 1, 2, 3, and intersession (including Humanities and Social Sciences) must be completed in order to enter Term 4 when hospital based clinical experience begins. By contract, affiliating institutions will accept 2nd academic year students.

Terms 4 & 5 (including Humanities & Social Sciences) must be completed in order to enter Term 6. Students are eligible to take The National Board of Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting (NBSTSA) certification exam at the close of Term 6.

27. Are there any behavior standards for this program?
ST students are expected to exhibit professional behavior on an ongoing basis. This will be assessed on a continual basis and will not only encompass grades, but also adherence to classroom protocol, laboratory safety, attendance, participation and preparedness for class, appearance, ability to work as a team member, and general professional behavior is required. Clinical placement is dependent on the above.

28. Are there evening classes?
Students are able to attend evening liberal arts classes during Terms 1 through 3.

29. Do I need to have a Criminal Background check?
All ST students are required to have a national criminal background check. The Joint Commission requires all healthcare facilities which they accredit to perform a national criminal background checks on students. Prior to entering fieldwork, students will be required to undergo a criminal background check. It will be necessary for students to sign a Consent and Disclaimer permitting NEIT to perform a criminal background check and a Release and Authorization permitting NEIT to disclose the results of the criminal background check to a clinical site where the student is being considered for placement. Students have an obligation to self-disclose to the Department Chair any criminal convictions or pending criminal federal, state or local charges which occur after a criminal background check has been performed. When they do, the student must undergo an updated background check. If a background check reveals any criminal convictions, the student may be disqualified from a clinical placement or employment in the field. When a student is declined a placement by a site as a result of a positive background check, another attempt will be made to place a student in a clinical site. Students assume the cost for all background checks. Some clinical sites may require drug testing and/or finger printing of students.

NEIT makes no guarantee that once a student is matriculated, the student will be able to attend any fieldwork training setting or sit for the national certification if the student has a prior criminal conviction. This is the student’s responsibility to discover what they must do to manage a positive criminal background investigation.

30. Is there an Attendance Policy in the Surgical Technology program?
To be successful in the Surgical Technology program, students are expected to attend every lecture and laboratory class in both surgical technology and biology courses. It is essential at the clinical site as well. Data has shown that poor attendance impacts the quality of the student's work and their success in the program.

Professional behaviors such as attendance are an integral part of becoming a surgical technologist. In preparing to become members of the healthcare team, students in the Surgical Technology program must acknowledge how their actions affect others and take responsibility for their own actions. All Surgical Technology faculty value and require active participation in classes, your lateness, leaving early, or absence has negative effects on everyone.

Attendance is based on time in class, from beginning to end of each session. Any student missing more than 20% of overall class time in either the Surgical Technology lecture or the Surgical Technology lab will automatically fail the course. There will be no exceptions. Additionally, all work missed due to absence, leaving early, or tardiness, regardless of cause, must be made up to the satisfaction of the instructor. A student who knows that he or she will be absent is expected to call the instructor in advance. The student is responsible for getting assignments from instructors in advance so that the necessary work will be completed before the student leaves or immediately upon his or her return. Speaking to a classmate about what you missed is not a substitute for speaking to your instructor. Students must take responsibility for contacting the instructor regarding class, lab or clinical that was missed. Students should also be aware that quizzes, tests and classroom assignments cannot be made up. Missing a laboratory session does not release the student from his/her responsibility for laboratory content.

To meet the accreditation standards for clinical surgical case requirements, students are expected to attend all clinical days. Failure to meet these standards will result in the student’s inability to meet graduation requirements. Any students missing more than 10% of a clinical course will automatically fail the course. There will be no exceptions.

31. Is the COVID-19 vaccination required for the ST program?
The Surgical Technology (ST) clinical affiliates have different COVID-19 vaccination requirements than the university’s requirements. The clinical affiliates have a responsibility to their employees and patients to minimize the risk of exposure to the COVID-19 virus. Therefore, all clinical affiliates require ST students to provide proof that they have received the COVID-19 vaccination along with one booster. If a student chooses not to be vaccinated the ST program may not be able to assign a student a clinical site. This will prevent the student from completing the program. Clinical sites may have exemptions for their employees; however, most clinical sites do not accept exemptions from students as they are guests at their facility.

If a clinical site has exemption requirements it is the student’s responsibility to submit any required documents and follow the clinical affiliate’s COVID-19 protocol. It is up to the clinical facility to grant or deny the exemption based on the documentation provided by the student. The university has no control over policies mandated by the clinical affiliates. Students will not know if their exemption is approved by a clinical site until their fourth term.

If an exemption is granted, individuals may also be asked to complete regular COVID-19 testing, often on a weekly basis. Additional PPE protocols may also be required. The student will assume responsibility for any additional costs associated with the exemption protocols.

Students may not be able to complete all of the clinical requirements at one clinical site. If a student needs to be assigned more than one clinical site, the student will need to apply for an exemption at each clinical site they are assigned to.

The failure to comply with the clinical affiliate’s policies with regard to vaccination and/or exemption requirements will result in being dismissed from the ST program.
In the event the exemption is denied, the ST student will be unable to complete the ST program.

Technical Standards

In addition to the acquisition of the appropriate knowledge in the sciences and humanities, the faculty of the New England Institute of Technology Surgical Technology Program have determined that the essential requirements for the successful completion of an Associate Degree in Surgical Technology require that the student possess and be able to demonstrate, with or without reasonable accommodation, the following skills and abilities.

Cognitive Abilities

• Ability to learn, remember and recall detailed information and to integrate it for problem solving.
• Ability to organize or reorganize information presented in curriculum materials and problems.
• Ability to use abstractions in specific concrete situations.
• Ability to break information into its component parts.
• Ability to understand spatial relationships such as differing depths of organs and cavities.
• Ability to comprehend basic mathematic principles and count to 200 in English.
• Ability to perform tasks learned by demonstrations.
• Ability to perform tasks following verbal instructions.

Communications Skills

• Ability to communicate effectively with faculty, patients, physicians and other hospital staff.
• Ability to read English sufficiently to comprehend college level text books, a physician’s preference card, medication labels, package directions and patient charts.
• Ability to write English sufficiently to record legibly information contained in course assignments, a physician’s preference card and label medications.
• Ability to demonstrate and use the knowledge acquired during the classroom training process and in the clinical setting to identify appropriately, pertinent patient information and transmit the information, promptly, effectively, efficiently and sensitively to appropriate personnel even when the time span available for communication is limited.
• Ability to express verbally, clearly and distinctly to enunciate, medical and surgical terminology even while wearing a facemask.
• Ability to express thoughts clearly.

Adaptive Ability

• Ability to maintain emotional stability and to have the maturity necessary to interact with other members of the faculty, students and surgical team in a professional manner.
• Ability to make decisions appropriate to the care of patients under stressful and demanding conditions.
• Ability to follow instructions and complete tasks under stressful and demanding conditions.
• Ability to adapt in a positive manner to new and changing situations with an open mind and with flexibility.
• Ability to work in an environment which may change rapidly in unpredictable ways, without warning.
• Ability to think clearly and act quickly and appropriately in an emergency situation.

Physical Ability

• Ability to stand and perform extensive walking for 4-6 hours at a time with no breaks.
• Ability to sit for 4-6 hours at a time with no breaks.
• Sufficient strength to perform CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) on both adult and pediatric patients.
• Sufficient upper body strength great enough to carry 50 pounds.
• Sufficient strength and agility to lift equipment, push stretchers and beds, and move large pieces of equipment.
• Sufficient strength and agility to grasp and maintain tension for long periods of time on tissues and bones using stainless steel retractors (some awkwardly shaped) and other operating room equipment.
• Sufficient strength to assist with positioning patients for and during surgery (e.g.: holding and lifting extremities in varying positions for surgical preparation and x-ray).
• Ability to wear and tolerate surgical masks and surgical gloves and other protective equipment including lead aprons.
• Ability to perform learned skills, independently, with accuracy and completeness within relatively short time frames in accordance with operating room procedure.
• Ability to perform exposure-prone procedures in accordance with recommendations set forth by the Center for Disease Control (CDC)*.
• Ability to work in an environment where there are latex/latex-based products, and latex airborne particles such as dust and powder.

Manual Ability

• Sufficient manual dexterity and mobility to move stretchers, carts and equipment independently.
• Sufficient motor function and sensory abilities to participate effectively in the classroom laboratory and clinical setting.
• Sufficient manual dexterity and motor coordination to coordinate hands, eyes and fingers in the operation of medical and other equipment and surgical instruments.
• Sufficient fine motor control to manipulate microsurgical instruments.
• Ability to grasp, lift and carry instrument trays and various items of equipment.
• Agile enough to handle surgical instruments with both left and right hands at an extremely rapid pace.
• Ability to supinate and pronate at the wrist.
*The CDC recommends that Health Care Workers (HCW's) who are infected with AIDS (HIV) or Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) (and are Hepatitis B Antigen [HbeAg] positive) should not perform exposure-prone procedures unless they have sought counsel from an expert review panel and been advised under what circumstances, if any, they may continue to perform these procedures.

Sensory Ability


• Visual ability, with or without correction, acute enough to differentiate surgical instruments, human anatomy and changes in the anatomy that occur during a surgical procedure.
• Visual ability, with or without correction, acute enough to read small printed labels on medications
• Visual ability, with or without correction, acute enough to read small numbers on instruments, implants and guides.
• Visual ability, with or without correction, acute enough to handle extremely fine suture material.
• Must have visual acuity corrected to 20/20 and visual perception with respect to color.
• Must be able to interpret reactions on slides, and test tubes, and visually identify cellular components and microorganisms under a microscope.
• Must be able to properly identify surgical sutures, medication labels, and other surgical supplies that are color coded.
• Must be able to view images for accuracy, view computer screens for extended periods, and participate in surgical procedures in dim light.


• Auditory ability, with or without correction, acute enough to hear and understand words spoken by staff and physicians in an environment with a high level of noise in the background (such as, but not limited to: saws, drills, anesthesia equipment, radios, lasers, etc.) when muffled by protective equipment. Individuals with auditory processing disorder will not have the visual cues needed to assist in processing the spoken word.


Please obtain your uniforms as soon as possible.

All scrubs must be teal blue solid color.

1. Pants (drawstring or elastic waist)
2. V-neck top
3. Lab Coat: Long white lab coat, to your knees; your choice of styles, but must be all white.
4. Shoes: Fluid resistant shoes. No clogs, backless or shoes with nylon or canvas inserts.

Uniforms are to be worn during ST Lab classes and to Clinical.


Students may purchase items for their uniforms online at Alexander's Uniforms At the site's homepage, click "New England Institute of Technology" from either the icon or the left tab, then select your department from the list. All items are priced to include a discount. If you have any questions, contact Wendy Magnette via email at or at 401-654-6500.

The required uniforms include:

Required Uniform Size/Pricing
Unisex Scrub Top XXS-5X (Contact Alexander's Uniforms for current pricing.)
Unisex Scrub Pant XXS-XL; XS S-XL 5; S T-XL T; 2X-5X (Contact Alexander's Uniforms for current pricing.)
Lab Coat XS-5X (Contact Alexander's Uniforms for current pricing.)

You may also purchase your uniform items at Alexander’s Uniforms at one of their three locations (recommended if you are unsure of the size): 1) Rhode Island: Marshall's Plaza, 1 Lambert Lind Highway, Warwick RI 02886, 860-889-7744, 401-654-6500; 2) Connecticut: 77 Salem Turnpike, Norwich, CT 06360, 781-762-1449; 3) Massachusetts: 500 Providence Highway, Norwood MA 02062. A Student ID is needed to ensure you receive your discount at checkout.