Academic Catalog

Physical Therapy (DPT)

Doctoral Degree

The Doctor of Physical Therapy Program provides an innovative and transformative educational pathway for licensed Physical Therapist Assistants (PTAs) who will practice at the highest level of the Physical Therapy profession. The DPT Program is committed to advancing the physical therapy profession by fostering the development of self-directed, adaptable, and compassionate practitioners. This commitment requires an academic approach that encourages curiosity, motivation, and a growth mindset among all of the program’s constituents.  This approach centers on a developmental learning process saturated with opportunities for active engagement, reflection in and on action, and formative assessment, all contributing to learning for mastery.  

Plan of Study Grid
Term IQuarter Credit Hours
PT 510 Human Anatomy I 5
PT 511 Professional Formation I 4
PT 512 Clinical Competency I 2
PT 513 Health Promotion and Wellness I 2
 Quarter Credit Hours13
Term II
PT 520 Human Anatomy II 5
PT 524 Movement Systems I 5
PT 525 Evidence Based Practice I 3
PT 526 Therapeutic Interventions I 3
 Quarter Credit Hours16
Mandatory Intersession (for DPT)
PT 611 Clinical Medicine 4
PT 614 Movement Systems II 4
 Quarter Credit Hours8
Term III
PT 621 PT Management of Patients with Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Health Conditions 6
PT 622 Introduction to the Physical Therapy Examination 3
PT 623 Health Promotion and Wellness II 2
PT 625 Diagnostic Imaging 2
 Quarter Credit Hours13
Term IV
PT 716 Therapeutic Interventions II 3
PT 717 PT Management of Patients with Musculoskeletal Health Conditions I 5
PT 718 PT Management of Patients with Neurologic Health Conditions I 5
PT 719 Community Engaged Practice I 2
 Quarter Credit Hours15
Term V
PT 912 Clinical Competency II 4
PT 917 PT Management of Patients with Musculoskeletal Health Conditions II 5
PT 918 PT Management of Patients with Neurologic Health Conditions II 5
PT 919 Community Engaged Practice II 1
 Quarter Credit Hours15
Term VI
PT 921 PT Management of Infants and Children 5
PT 922 PT Management of Patients with Integumentary and Pelvic Health Conditions 4
PT 927 PT Management of Patients with Musculoskeletal Health Conditions III 5
PT 929 Community Engaged Practice III 1
 Quarter Credit Hours15
Mandatory Intersession II (for DPT)
PT 930 Practice Management in Physical Therapy I 2
PT 932 Clinical Competency III 2
PT 935 Evidence Based Practice II 2
PT 939 Community Engaged Practice IV 1
 Quarter Credit Hours7
Term VII
PT 940 Practice Management II 1
PT 942 Clinical Education I 10
 Quarter Credit Hours11
PT 952 Clinical Education II 10
PT 953 Health Promotion &Wellness III 1
 Quarter Credit Hours11
Term IX
PT 961 Professional Formation II 1
PT 962 Clinical Education III 10
 Quarter Credit Hours11
 Total Quarter Credit Hours135

Program Mission 

Doctor of Physical Therapy Program Mission 

The mission of the Doctor of Physical Therapy Program is to provide an innovative and transformative educational pathway for licensed Physical Therapist Assistants (PTAs) who will practice at the highest level of the Physical Therapy profession.   

Doctor of Physical Therapy Program Vision 

The Bridge to DPT Program improves the health of communities through a scholarly approach to academic innovation that grounds academic and clinical practice in a clear professional identity and a vital social infrastructure. 

Doctor of Physical Therapy Program Goals:

Develop and promote excellence in education, service, and scholarship in physical therapy.


  • 100% employment rate among those DPT graduates who enter the job-market within six months of degree completion. 
  • 100% two-year FSBPT NPTE ultimate pass rate.
  • At least 85% first-time pass rate on the FSBPT NPTE
  • 85% of students matriculated into DPT program complete academic requirements and graduate within 16 quarter-terms.


  • At least 25% of the core faculty will serve on college and/or College of Health Sciences committees in each academic year.
  • At least 25% of the core faculty will serve on state, regional, or national committees and/or councils within professional organizations in each academic year.
  • ​​​At least 30% of the core faculty will perform volunteer service within the community in each academic year.
  • 100% of the DPT students will engage in a reflective service learning activity each year.  


  • All core faculty, who have been faculty > three years, have a scholarship development plan that results in the dissemination of one peer-reviewed product every two years.


  • All core faculty will model leadership and service to the DPT students through department, school, profession, and community activities annually.
  • Foster the acquisition of knowledge, values and skills for exemplary professional practice.
  • 50% of the faculty, core and adjunct, will hold certification annually in areas of specialization that are directly related to their teaching and/or scholarship activities and to the individual faculty member’s professional goals.
  • 100% of the core faculty will engage annually in professional development activities in areas directly related to their teaching and/or scholarship and to each individual faculty member’s professional and/or scholarship goals.
  • At least 30% of DPT graduates will enroll in activities annually that lead to any of the following: advanced degrees, specialty certification, residency or fellowship level training within three years of graduation.


Graduates of the Doctor of Physical Therapy program will:

  • Be highly qualified physical therapy practitioners.
    • 100% two-year FSBPT NPTE pass rate.
    • At least 85% first-time pass rate on the FSBPT NPTE.
    • 100% of DPT students achieve a level of “Beyond Entry Level” on at least one dimension of the CPI.
    • ​​​​​>85% acceptance rate for DPT students who apply to post-graduate academic or residency programs within three years of graduation.
    • At least 30% of the DPT graduates will enroll in activities that lead to any of the following: advanced degrees, specialty certification, residency or fellowship level training within three years of graduation.
  • Be prepared to meet existing and emerging health care needs.
    • ​​​​​​​At least 25% of DPT graduates will be involved in clinical program development within three years of graduation.
    • At least 25% of DPT graduates will provide services to a traditionally underserved population and/or provide pro bono services within 3 years of licensure.
  • Engage in lifelong learning and service to the physical therapy profession.
    • ​​​​​At least 75% of NEIT DPT graduates will participate in continuing education activities within three years of graduation.
    • ​​​At least 30% of the DPT graduates will enroll in activities that lead to any of the following: advanced degrees, specialty certification, residency or fellowship level training within three years of graduation.
    • At least 30% of DPT graduates will serve as a clinical instructor for DPT students within three years of graduation.


Students of the Doctor of Physical Therapy program will:

  • Demonstrate entry level physical therapy practice. (practice).
  • Demonstrate professional behavior and interactions (professional behavior).
  • Communicate effectively with a variety of audiences; (communication).
  • Adapt delivery of physical therapy services with consideration for patients’ values, preferences, needs and other factors that influence access and equity in utilization of ​health​care (cultural competency).
  • Access and analyze relevant information from appropriate sources, to aid in patient/client management (evidence-based practice skills).
  • Demonstrate​ critical thinking, clinical reasoning, and clinical decision-making skills essential for practice (critical thinking).
  • Educate others regarding physical therapist practice, including rehabilitation, prevention, health, and wellness using relevant and effective teaching methodologies (education).
  • Manage resources to achieve physical therapy goals while understanding and responding to economic factors that impact the delivery of service (resource management).
  • Practice interdependently within a multidisciplinary milieu, by providing care that may include referral to appropriate health care and community-based services and providers (autonomous practice, equity and access). proach for adult learners) 
  • Provide a flexible educational program that accommodates the diverse learning needs of adult learners, utilizing various teaching methods including flexible scheduling, online resources, technology and interactive teaching strategies to maximize comprehension and retention of knowledge and skills.

Prerequisites for the DPT Program:

Admission requirements:

  1. Evidence of having graduated from a CAPTE accredited physical therapist assistant program.
  2. Active, unencumbered PTA license in a U.S. jurisdiction.
  3. One-year full time experience (or equivalent) working as a licensed Physical Therapist Assistant within 3 years of matriculation.
  4. Evidence of having completed a bachelor’s degree and all prerequisite requirements OR good standing in the NEIT early assurance, BS in Health Practice Management to DPT Program (refer to the HPM Program Information Sheet and Program Handbook for additional information).
  5. Minimum cumulative undergraduate GPA of 3.0/4.0 and minimum prerequisite math/science/statistics/psychology GPA of 3.0/4.0.
  6. Prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of no lower than C. Students must demonstrate a minimum cumulative undergraduate grade point average of 3.0/4.0 and a minimum math/science/statistics/psychology prerequisite grade point average of 3.0/4.0.
  7. Two professional letters of reference. One must be from a supervising PT. It is recommended one from a past professor if available or secondary supervisory reference if not. Letters from family and friends will not be accepted.
  8. TOEFL if applicable.

Prerequisite Requirements for the DPT program

  • 2 terms of introductory level Biology
  • 2 terms of Chemistry with lab
  • 2 terms of Physics with lab
  • 2 terms of Anatomy & Physiology with lab
  • Introductory level Psychology
  • Applied Research Statistics
  • Exercise Physiology and Laboratory

Questions & Answers

1. What are the entrance requirements for the DPT program?
DPT Program: The requirements for application and admission for the DPT Bridge Program are listed above. Students who have an earned bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution in the USA will apply to the DPT program through PTCAS (
Early Assurance BS to DPT Program: Interested persons without an earned bachelor’s degree are invited to apply to the early assurance BS to DPT program. Refer to the HPM early assurance BS to DPT program for additional information.

2. Do I need to have a bachelor’s degree to apply to the DPT Bridge Program?
There are 2 routes of entry to the DPT Bridge program:
DPT Program: For PTAs with a bachelor's degree, and who have satisfied the prerequisites, application is directly to the DPT program through the PTCAS.
Early Assurance BS to DPT Program: Refer to the HPM early assurance BS to DPT program for additional information.

3. I am a PTA and have already earned my bachelor’s degree. Will this affect my course work or the length of the program?
For students with a bachelor’s degree who are admitted directly to the DPT program, the standard program length of 9 10-week terms and 2 5-week intersessions over a total of 27 months, applies.

4. I am a PTA, and I do not have a bachelor’s degree. Will this affect my course work or the length of the program?
Refer to the HPM early assurance BS to DPT program for additional information.

5. Do I need to take the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) to be accepted into the program?
No, the GRE is not required.

6. Is NEIT accredited?
NEIT is accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education. Accreditation by NECHE is recognized by the federal government and entitles NEIT to participate in federal financial aid programs. Some academic departments have specialized professional accreditations in addition to accreditation by NECHE. For more information on accreditation, see NEIT’s catalog.

7. Is the DPT program at NEIT accredited? 
Graduation from a physical therapist [assistant] education program accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE), 3030 Potomac Ave., Suite 100, Alexandria, Virginia 22305-3085; phone; 703-706-3245; is necessary for eligibility to sit for the licensure examination, which is required in all states.

Candidacy is considered to be an accredited status, as such the credits and degree earned from a program with Candidacy status are considered, by CAPTE, to be from an accredited program. Therefore, students in the charter (first) class should be eligible to take the licensure exam even if CAPTE withholds accreditation at the end of the candidacy period. That said, it is up to each state licensing agency, not CAPTE, to determine who is eligible for licensure. Information on licensing requirements should be directed to the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (FSBPT; or specific state boards (a list of state boards and contact information is available on FSBPT's website.

New England Institute of Technology is seeking accreditation of a new physical therapist education program from CAPTE. The program is planning to submit an Application for Candidacy, which is the formal application required in the pre-accreditation stage, on May 1, 2025. Submission of this document does not assure that the program will be granted Candidate for Accreditation status. Achievement of Candidate for Accreditation status is required prior to implementation of the [professional/technical] phase of the program; therefore, no students may be enrolled in [professional/technical] courses until Candidate for Accreditation status has been achieved. Further, though achievement of Candidate for Accreditation status signifies satisfactory progress toward accreditation, it does not assure that the program will be granted accreditation.

8. Can I transfer credits earned at another college to NEIT?
DPT Program: Students must complete all courses required for the DPT at NEIT.
Early Assurance BS to DPT Program: Refer to the HPM early assurance BS to DPT program for additional information.

9. Are there other things I should know about the admissions process?
The DPT program at NEIT does not discriminate against qualified people with disabilities in the admissions process. We do require all students to meet the Program’s Essential Functions and Technical Standards with or without reasonable accommodation.

10. Do I need to maintain a certain grade point average?
DPT Program: Yes. You are required to have a minimum cumulative undergraduate grade point average of 3.0/4.0 and minimum math/science prerequisite grade point average of 3.0/4.0 to be eligible for admission to the DPT Bridge Program. You are required to maintain a 3.0 GPA throughout the program.
Early Assurance BS to DPT Program: Refer to the HPM early assurance BS to DPT program for additional information.

11. Do I need to have a Criminal Background check?
All DPT students are required to have a criminal background check. The Joint Commission requires all healthcare facilities which they accredit to perform criminal background checks on students. Prior to entering clinical affiliation, students will be required to undergo a criminal background check. In addition to the criminal background check required by (The Joint Commission), some clinical sites may also require a national criminal background check. It will be necessary for students to sign a Consent and Disclaimer permitting NEIT to perform a criminal background check and a Release and Authorization permitting NEIT to disclose the results of the criminal background check to a clinical site where the student is being considered for placement. Students have an obligation to self-disclose to the Program Director any criminal convictions or pending criminal federal, state or local charges which occur after a criminal background check has been performed. When they do, the student must undergo an updated background check. If a background check reveals any criminal convictions, the student may be disqualified from a clinical placement or employment in the field. When a student is declined a placement by a site as a result of a positive background check, another attempt will be made to place a student in a clinical site. If a background check reveals any criminal convictions, the student may be disqualified from a clinical placement or employment in the field. Further, students convicted of a felony will need to comply with state licensure requirements for The Rhode Island Department of Health. Students assume the cost for all background checks.

NEIT does not assure that once a student is matriculated, the student will be able to attend any clinical affiliation training setting, sit for the national certification or gain licensure if the student has a prior criminal conviction. This is the student’s responsibility to discover what they must do to manage a positive criminal background investigation. A graduate from the program may not be able to obtain a license depending on criminal offense and the decision of the license board in each state.
Some facilities may also require a drug screen prior to accepting a student for clinical placement.

12. When do my classes meet?
DPT Program: This is a hybrid program with a majority of coursework conducted remotely with both asynchronous and synchronous work completed online. Required onsite intensive laboratory immersions periods ranging from 3 to 8 days at a time are planned for 7 out of the first 8 academic sessions of the program. These will be held at the East Greenwich campus. Additional information may be found in the NEIT academic calendar, the program website, and in the DPT Student Handbook.

13. How large will my classes be?
DPT Program: The planned DPT cohort size is for a maximum of 36 students. Most online classes will have 2 instructors, for a faculty: student ratio of 1:18. Most laboratory immersion sessions will have a faculty: student ration of no greater than 1:12. Small class sizes allow for individualized academic attention and coaching.

14. When and where do my classes meet?
DPT Program: DPT program classes will meet online Monday through Friday, mostly during daytime hours. Onsite immersion classes will be on the East Greenwich campus, for 3-8 days at a time toward the end of most terms and intersessions of the DPT program.Early Assurance BS to DPT Program: Refer to the HPM early assurance BS to DPT program for additional information.

15. How long should it take me to complete my program?
DPT Program: If you successfully complete each course as listed in the DPT curriculum you will finish in 27 months, including 9 quarter terms and 2 intersessions.
Early Assurance BS to DPT Program: Refer to the HPM early assurance BS to DPT program for additional information.

16. How many credits do I need to acquire my Financial Aid?
Students entering either the DPT or early assurance BS to DPT program will be eligible for various forms of financial aid, including loans. See your financial aid officer for additional details. The DPT program has enough credits each semester to apply for financial aid.

17. What kind of employment assistance does NEIT offer?
The Career Services Office assists NEIT students and graduates in all aspects of the job search, including resume writing, interviewing skills, and developing a job search strategy. Upon completion of their program, graduates may submit a resume to the Career Services Office to be circulated to employers for employment opportunities in their fields. Employers regularly contact us about our graduates. In addition, our Career Services Office contacts employers to develop job leads. A strong relationship with employers exists as a result of our training students to meet the needs of industry for over fifty years. No school can, and NEIT does not, guarantee its graduates employment or a specific starting salary.

18. Where will job opportunities exist?
The DPT program will prepare you to sit for the national licensure examination in any of the 50 United States and graduates will have the ability to look nationally for employment opportunities.

19. Is there any state or federal licensing required in my field?
All Graduates of the Doctor of Physical Therapy program are required to pass the National Physical Therapist Examination to obtain licensure for practice as a physical therapist. Licensure requirements vary by state. Please refer to individual state regulations for details regarding licensure in a desired jurisdiction.

Technical Standards/ Essential Functions

The DPT Program has the freedom and ultimate responsibility for the selection and evaluation of its students, the design, implementation, and evaluation of its curriculum, and the determination of who should be awarded a degree. Admission and retention decisions are based not only on satisfactory academic achievement, but also on essential functions, skills, and abilities which ensure that the candidate possesses the necessary attributes of the academic program required for graduation.

The DPT Program has the responsibility to the public to assure that its graduates can become fully competent and caring physical therapists, capable of doing benefit and not harm. It is important the persons admitted possess the intelligence, integrity, compassion, humanitarian concern, physical and emotional capacity, and professionalism necessary to practice physical therapy.

The DPT Program is committed to providing an equal educational opportunity for all students. Consistent with the NEIT non-discrimination policy:

“New England Institute of Technology admits qualified students of any race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, or disability to all the rights and privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the university. New England Institute of Technology does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national and ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, or any other criterion specified by federal, state or local laws, in the administration of its admissions, employment, and educational policies or scholarship, loan, athletic and other school- administered programs.”  

Additional information regarding the NEIT Non-Discrimination Policy is found in the NEIT Student Handbook

When requested, NEIT will provide reasonable accommodation in accordance with applicable law to otherwise qualified students with disabilities.

All students admitted to, matriculated in and graduating from the DPT Program are expected to have the capability to complete the entire DPT curriculum.  All students should be able to perform each of the essential functions and technical standards with or without reasonable accommodations.  Accommodations are never provided retroactively.

Physical Therapy - DPT

Degree Progress Checklists